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Eletrunks, Solve An Age Old Gentleman Problem

Eletrunks men's underwear

New men's underwear solves the biggest penis problem that guys hate

FOR when you need a bit of, erm, adjustment.

You know when your junk just isn't sitting right so you need to adjust it without looking like a creep with your hands down your pants? You've all been there.
Well, now there's a solution....
Meet Eletrunks. The appropriately named innovative designer men's underwear let you adjust your manhood without hesitation.
The website explains: "Eletrunks literally let you elevate your manhood without reaching below your waistband. They also create chafe-free zones under the legs and keep you from sticking to yourself.
"Your manhood goes into the pouch, keeping it away from your legs. When you need to readjust, you simply use the patented 'lifter' a string that attaches from the waistband to the bottom of the pouch, and it elevates your entire manhood."
The difference of the Eletrunks' design is that it eliminates skin to skin contact due to the pouch.
Eletrunks founder and New York City native Michael Walker said he came up with the idea while exploring South America.  He explained: "I quit my job last September to travel through Peru, Ecuador and Colombia. "Somewhere in the first week of Ecuador I convinced myself to buy a motorcycle to carry me through the rest of my journey.  "Here is where I realised how incredibly uncomfortable each type of men's underwear can be and how there is no try functionality.  Somewhere crossing the Colombia border the idea for Eletrunks crystallised. "Once back from South America, Michael began to develop his idea further and started making prototypes in February 2016.
He told Mashable: "I reached out for help at FIT for sewing and ended up in their FITMSA fashion show in April.  "I had to go from zero to full company in less than two months with a final product to show people.  "Michael said he still finds the whole concept of Eletrunks hilarious.  The American guy added: "I haven't stopped laughing since it's inception.  "This response holds true across the board. Nearly every time I tell people what i'm doing they laugh, followed by: 'Yes!'  "Needless to say the overwhelming positive response motivates me to move forward.  "Luckily Eletrunks stands up to the promise of no compression, security, maximum comfort and all around functionality so people enjoy the feel as much as they do the idea."
Michael said the company plans to expand the men's briefs into every kind of men's underwear.