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Underwear for Fathers' Day 2020 at

Underwear for Fathers' Day
Fathers' Day Underwear Gift Guide

We have plenty of Underwear for Fathers' Day this year. Happy Socks, Paul Smith and Lacoste have all produced some fun designs that are perfect for your dear Dad.

Whether your Dad's idea of Underwear for Fathers' Day is colourful socks (hello Happy Socks). Perhaps your Dad is a little more sedate with his choices? (hello Ted Baker); we have something for every special Dad out there.

The last few years we have noticed an increase in designers celebrating Fathers' Day. Some designers are now producing full gift sets, gift boxes and special designs. Happy Socks have done the hard work for you and even produced a gift box. Lacoste have thought of everything with their Fathers' Day gift set, a simple sleeve on the box wishes the receiver a Happy Fathers' Day, yet the 3-pack of boxer trunks are subtle enough to wear year round.

If your Dad is into his four-legged friend, Paul Smith have designed a pair of pop-art boxer trunks with dogs all-over. If your Dad has a penchant for luxury, Ted Baker's modal boxer trunks are great value. Perhaps your Dad is on the sporty side. If he is, buy him a pair of SAXX boxers and it will change his life. I did a few years ago and my Dad now buys nothing else for his long days cycling.

We know that this Fathers' Day is going to be extra special. While it may contain lots of social distancing; it can still bring a smile to your Dad's face.